# Schema Types

# Query

Field Argument Type Description
platform Platform!
user User

The currently authenticated User. Will return null if no Authorization header with a Bearer token is provided.

billing Billing!
cms CMS!
settings Settings!

# Mutation

Field Argument Type Description
sendSupportMessage Boolean!

Send email to support

sendMail Boolean
input SupportMessage!
signin AuthResponse!

Login using various methods. Leave arguments empty to create an Anonymous Session.

refreshToken String
credentials SignInInput
facebook FacebookSignInInput
google GoogleSignInInput
kinowToken String
signup AuthResponse!

Create an account.

user SignUpInput!
sendMail Boolean
retrievePassword Boolean!

Sends a password retrieval email. Can be sent only once per account every 6 hours.

email String!
sendMail Boolean
updateCredentials UpdateCredentialsResponse!

Update credentials

email UpdateEmailInput
password UpdatePasswordInput
updateUserProfile UserProfile!
user UpdateUserInput!
deleteUser DeleteUserResponse!
password String!
toggleBookmark Boolean!

Toggle product from bookmarks. Returns true if the product was bookmarked, false if unbookmarked.

product ID!
toggleAccessRenewal Boolean!

Toggles an access renewal (recurring payment). Returns the new state of renewal.

access ID!

ID of the Access

message String

Used to provide a message/reason when unsubscribing.

addSVODSwitch Boolean!

Switch an existing Access to another Subscription.

productAccessId Float!

Access ID To switch

subscriptionId Float!

Subscription to switch to

cancelSVODSwitch Boolean!

Remove Subscription switch from Access.

productAccessId Float!

Access ID to delete subscription switch from

addWatchSession Boolean!

Send a user's watch session data

session WatchSessionInput!
addDevice [Device!]!
device DeviceInput!
removeDevice [Device!]!
id ID!
createPlaylist Playlist!

Create a playlist

input CreatePlaylistInput!
updatePlaylist Playlist

Update a playlist

input UpdatePlaylistInput!
deletePlaylist Boolean!

Delete a playlist

input DeletePlaylistInput!
togglePlaylistProduct Boolean!

Toggle product from playlist. Returns true if the product was added, false if removed.

input TogglePlaylistProductInput!
addProductToCart Cart!
product ID!

ID of the product

accessMode ID!

ID of the purchase option

cancelSubscriptionId ID

When switching to a new subscription, Product Access ID of the subscription to cancel.

giftTo GiftRecipientInput

Use this to gift the product. Will empty the cart and keep only this product in it.

removeProductFromCart Cart
product ID!

ID of the product.

accessMode ID!

ID of the purchase option

addCartVoucher Cart!

Add a voucher to the cart.

code String!

Code of the voucher.

removeCartVoucher Cart!

Remove a voucher from the cart.

id ID!

Voucher id

resetCart Cart
updateCartAffiliate Cart!

Add or modify affiliation.

affiliate String!

Affiliate code

checkout CheckoutResponse!

Initiate a checkout for the current cart.

process CheckoutProcess!

Checkout type to use, must be one available in cart.availableCheckoutProcesses.

paymentGateway String

Required if you are not using the FREE process.

paymentAuthorization PaymentAuthorizationArgs

Required Args for the PAYMENT_AUTHORIZATION process is used.

checkoutWithPrepayment CheckoutSuccessResponse!

Cart checkout using a prepayment balance

balanceType PrepaymentBalanceType!

Balance type to use

updateGiftRecipient ⚠️ Cart!


Replaced by updateGift.

giftTo GiftRecipientInput!
updateGift Cart!
id ID!
input UpdateGift!
consumeGift ConsumedGift!
gift ID!

ID of the gift

token String!

Gift authenticity token

sendFreeGift SendFreeGiftResponse!
product ID!
accessMode ID!
email String!
firstname String!
lastname String!
updatePaymentMethod Boolean!

Update payment method

gateway String!
arguments String!

JSON object given by the payment gateway SDK (ex: Stripe)

consumeFreeGift ConsumeFreeGiftResponse
gift ID!
token String!
addView Boolean!

Mark video viewed

video ID!

ID of video

deleteView Boolean!

Mark video not viewed

video ID!

ID of video

addProductComment ProductComment!

Creates a new ProductComment on a Product

product ID!

ID of the Product

content String!

Content of the comment

# Objects

# Actor

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
dateAdd Date!

Creation date

dateUpd Date!

Update date

name I18NString!

Resource name

description I18NString!

Resource description

descriptionShort I18NString!

Resource short description

linkRewrite I18NString!

Localized simplified URL

metaTitle I18NString!

SEO title

metaDescription I18NString!

SEO description

metaKeywords I18NString!

SEO keywords

image ⚠️ String!


Use images instead.

images [Image!]!

List of associated images

metadata [Metadata!]!

Custom key/value pairs

include [String!]
products ActorProductLinkCollection!

Products linked to the actor.

page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

categories CategoryCollection!

Linked Categories

page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

# ActorCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [Actor!]!
Field Argument Type Description
product Product!
roles [I18NString!]!

# ActorProductLinkCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [ActorProductLink!]!

# Address

Field Argument Type Description
dateAdd Date!

Creation date

dateUpd Date!

Update date

country Country!
state CountryState
city String!
postcode String!
address String!
company String!

# AnalyticsSettings

Field Argument Type Description
type String!
tag String!

# AnalyticsWidget

Field Argument Type Description
id String!
universal Boolean!
userId String!

# AuthResponse

Field Argument Type Description
tokenType String!
expiresIn Int!
accessToken String!
refreshToken String!
anonymous String

An anonymous session ID

user UserProfile

# AutoPage

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
page String!
title I18NString!

Title of the page

description I18NString!

Resource description

keywords I18NString!

SEO keywords

linkRewrite I18NString!

Localized simplified URL

# AutoPageCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [AutoPage!]!

# Billing

Field Argument Type Description
cart Cart
orders OrderCollection
page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

paymentGateways [PaymentGateway!]!

Available payment gateways. Usable in the checkout mutation.

prepayment Prepayment

Prepayment payment module, null if disabled or if user is not authenticated.

# BlogCategory

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
dateAdd Date!

Creation date

dateUpd Date!

Update date

position Int!
name I18NString!

Resource name

linkRewrite I18NString!

Resource name

metaTitle I18NString!

Resource name

metaDescription I18NString!

Resource name

metaKeywords I18NString!

Resource name

posts BlogPostCollection!

Posts of the category

page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

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# BlogCategoryCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [BlogCategory!]!

# BlogPost

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!

This is the id of the CMSPage

langId ID!

Language ID of the post

dateAdd Date!

Creation date

dateUpd Date!

Update date

dateIssue Date!

Publication date

title String!
description String!
descriptionShort String!
linkRewrite String!
metaTitle String!

This is the meta title of the CMSPage

metaDescription String!

This is the meta description of the CMSPage

metaKeywords String!

This is the list of keywords for the CMSPage

metadata [Metadata!]!

Custom key/value pairs

include [String!]
cover String!

Cover URL

products ProductCollection!

Linked Products.

page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

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# BlogPostCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [BlogPost!]!

# BundleAccessMode

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
price Float
priceFormat String
priceNoDiscount Float
priceNoDiscountFormat String
priceWithoutTaxes Float
priceWithoutTaxesFormat String
discount Float
discountFormat String
prepaymentBonuses PrepaymentBonusCollection!
page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

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type TVODAccessModeType!
mode TVODAccessModeMode!
quality TVODAccessModeQuality!


Field Argument Type Description
settings CMSSettings!
actors ActorCollection!
page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

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autoPages AutoPageCollection!
page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

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comments ProductCommentCollection!
page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

directors DirectorCollection!
page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

categories CategoryCollection!
page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

products ProductCollection!
page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

videos VideoCollection!
page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

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extracts ExtractCollection!
page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

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bestSales [Product!]!
limit Int
pages PageCollection!
page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

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pageCategories PageCategoryCollection!
page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

blogPosts BlogPostCollection!
page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

blogCategories BlogCategoryCollection!
page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

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carouselWidget CarouselWidget!
homeRailWidget HomeRailWidget!

ALPHA FEATURE - This API may change in the near future.

footerMenuWidget FooterMenuWidget!
topMenuWidget TopMenuWidget!
hookPhraseWidget HookPhraseWidget!
analyticsWidget ⚠️ AnalyticsWidget


Use settings.analytics instead.

# CMSSettings

Field Argument Type Description
browsable Boolean!

True if content is browsable by the current session.

# CarouselPlayer

Field Argument Type Description
url String
manifest [String!]

# CarouselSlide

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
position Float!

Position of the slide

targetType WidgetTargetType!

Type of the target

label I18NString!

Localized label

targetBlank Boolean!

Open link in new browser tab or window

image String!

Image URL

textLayer CarouselSlideTextLayer

Additional text layer

target WidgetTarget

Target object

player CarouselPlayer

# CarouselSlideCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [CarouselSlide!]!

# CarouselSlideTextLayer

Field Argument Type Description
text I18NString!

Localized text content

button Boolean!

True if a button should be shown in the layer

opacity Float!

The layer's opacity

# CarouselWidget

Field Argument Type Description
slides CarouselSlideCollection!

Slides of the carousel

page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

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# Cart

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
dateAdd Date!

Creation date

dateUpd Date!

Update date

vouchers [Voucher!]!
availableCheckoutProcesses [CheckoutProcess!]!
availablePaymentGateways [String!]!

Available PaymentGateways for checkout.

content ProductBuyOrderCollection!
page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

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giftTo ⚠️ GiftRecipient


Replaced by ProductBuyOrder.gift.

totalPrice Float
totalTrial Float
totalTrialFormat String
totalPriceFormat String
totalPriceWithoutTax Float
totalPriceWithoutTaxFormat String
taxes [CartTax!]!

# CartTax

Field Argument Type Description
name String!
amount Float!
amountFormatted String!

# Category

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
dateAdd Date!

Creation date

dateUpd Date!

Update date

name I18NString!

Resource name

description I18NString!

Resource description

descriptionShort I18NString!

Resource short description

linkRewrite I18NString!

Localized simplified URL

metaTitle I18NString!

SEO title

metaDescription I18NString!

SEO description

metaKeywords I18NString!

SEO keywords

metadata [Metadata!]!

Custom key/value pairs

include [String!]
banner ⚠️ String!


Use images instead.

images [Image!]!

List of associated images

position Int!

Position in parent category

videos CategoryVideoCollection!

Presentational videos of the category

page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

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parent Category

Parent category

children CategoryCollection!

Children categories

includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

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page Int
perPage Int
subCategoryFilter SubCategoriesArgs
products ProductCollection!

Products in the category & subCategories (see arguments)

includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

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page Int
perPage Int
subCategoryFilter SubCategoriesArgs
actors ActorCollection!

Linked Actors

page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

directors DirectorCollection!

Linked Directors

page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

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# CategoryCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [Category!]!

# CategoryVideo

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
dateAdd Date!

Creation date

dateUpd Date!

Update date

cover String!

Cover URL.

thumbnail String!

Thumbnail URL.

player VideoPlayer
subtitles [Subtitle!]!

Subtitles of the video

# CategoryVideoCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [CategoryVideo!]!

# CheckoutSuccessResponse

Field Argument Type Description
success Boolean!

# ConsumeFreeGiftResponse

Field Argument Type Description
product Product
accessMode AccessMode

# ConsumedGift

Field Argument Type Description
message String
content [ProductBuyOrder!]!

# Country

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
name I18NString!
isoCode String!
states [CountryState!]!

# CountryCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [Country!]!

# CountryState

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
isoCode String!
name String!

# Currency

An enabled currency of the platform

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
name String!

Resource name

symbol String!

Symbol of the currency (ex: $, )

isoCode String!

ISO Code of the currency (ex: EUR, USD).

isoCodeNum Int!

Numeric code of the currency

conversionRate Float!

The rate used to convert a price from the platform's main currency to this one

# CurrencyCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [Currency!]!

# DeleteUserResponse

Field Argument Type Description
success Boolean!

# Device

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
dateAdd Date!

Creation date

dateUpd Date!

Update date

fingerprint String!
type String!
os String!
application String!

# Director

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
dateAdd Date!

Creation date

dateUpd Date!

Update date

name I18NString!

Resource name

description I18NString!

Resource description

descriptionShort I18NString!

Resource short description

linkRewrite I18NString!

Localized simplified URL

metaTitle I18NString!

SEO title

metaDescription I18NString!

SEO description

metaKeywords I18NString!

SEO keywords

image ⚠️ String!


Use images instead.

images [Image!]!

List of associated images

metadata [Metadata!]!

Custom key/value pairs

include [String!]
products DirectorProductLinkCollection!

Products linked to the director.

page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

categories CategoryCollection!

Linked Categories

page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

# DirectorCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [Director!]!
Field Argument Type Description
product Product!
roles [I18NString!]!

# DirectorProductLinkCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [DirectorProductLink!]!

# Extract

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
dateAdd Date!

Creation date

dateUpd Date!

Update date

name I18NString!

Resource name

description I18NString!

Resource description

metadata [Metadata!]!

Custom key/value pairs

include [String!]
position Int!
cover String

Cover image URL.

thumbnail String

Thumbnail image URL, only if the video comes from an external source (Vimeo, Youtube, etc.).

advertisingUrl String

Url of advertising to display.

mediaSource MediaSource
filename String
player VideoPlayer
product Product
accessInfo ExtractAccess

# ExtractAccess

Field Argument Type Description
streaming Boolean!

Streaming allowed

error ExtractAccessError

Contains information about what is preventing access to the video.

# ExtractAccessError

Field Argument Type Description
code Int!
type ExtractAccessErrorType!

# ExtractCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [Extract!]!

# FooterMenuElement

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
position Float!
label I18NString!

Localized label

column String!

Column name of the widget

targetType WidgetTargetType!

Type of the target

targetBlank Boolean!

Open link in new browser tab or window.

target WidgetTarget

Target object

# FooterMenuElementCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [FooterMenuElement!]!

# FooterMenuWidget

Field Argument Type Description
elements FooterMenuElementCollection!
page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

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# GiftRecipient

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
email String
firstname String
lastname String
message String
custom String
dateSend Date

Date at which the gift should be sent. If not set, the Gift will be sent immediatly once purchased.

# HomeRailElement

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
position Float!
label I18NString!

Localized label

targetType WidgetTargetType!

Type of the target

videoFocus Boolean!
targetOrigin HomeRailTargetOrigin

Origin of the target.

target WidgetTarget

Target object

page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

# HomeRailElementCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [HomeRailElement!]!

# HomeRailWidget

Field Argument Type Description
elements HomeRailElementCollection!
page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

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# HookPhraseElement

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
position Int!
label I18NString!

Localized label

targetType WidgetTargetType!

Type of the target

targetBlank Boolean!

Open link in new browser tab or window.

target WidgetTarget

Target object

# HookPhraseElementCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [HookPhraseElement!]!

# HookPhraseWidget

Field Argument Type Description
elements HookPhraseElementCollection!
page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

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# I18N

Field Argument Type Description
country Country!
language Language!
currency Currency!

# Image

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!

This is the id of the Image

source String!

This is the source of the Image

type String!

# Language

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
active Boolean!
name String!

Resource name

isoCode String!

ISO2 code

# LanguageCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [Language!]!

# Live

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
dateAdd Date!

Creation date

dateUpd Date!

Update date

dateFrom Date
dateTo Date
position Int!
name I18NString!

Resource name

description I18NString!

Resource description

metadata [Metadata!]!

Custom key/value pairs

include [String!]
cover String!

Cover URL.

thumbnail String!

Thumbnail URL.

duration Float!

Approximate duration in minutes of the video.

language Language

Default language of the video. null if none.

filename String
mediaSource MediaSource
player VideoPlayer
forceReload Boolean

Force seekbar to the begining and ignore viewing resume

downloadUrl ⚠️ String


Use download instead.

download VideoDownload
advertisingUrl String
subtitles [Subtitle!]!

Subtitles of the video

bonus [VideoBonus!]!

Bonuses attached to the video

userStats UserVideoStats

Statistics of the authenticated user for this video.

videoGroupId ID
product Product
accessInfo VideoAccess
viewed Boolean

# LiveCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [Live!]!
Field Argument Type Description
url String!
favicon16 String!

# MediaSource

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
name String!
usesExternalPlayer Boolean!

# Metadata

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
name I18NString!

Localized name.

isCustomValue Boolean!

True if the value is not from the pre-defined values

value I18NString!

Localized value.

# Order

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
dateAdd Date!

Creation date

dateUpd Date!

Update date

reference String!
state OrderState

Current Status

stateHistory [OrderState!]!

Status History

paymentGateway String!
cart Cart
invoice String

# OrderCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [Order!]!

# OrderState

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
date Date!

Creation date

status OrderStateType!

# Page

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!

This is the id of the CMSPage

position Float!

Position in the CMSCategory

linkRewrite I18NString!

This is the link of the CMSPage

metaTitle I18NString!

This is the meta title of the CMSPage

metaDescription I18NString!

This is the meta description of the CMSPage

metaKeywords I18NString!

This is the list of keywords for the CMSPage

content I18NString!

This is the content of the CMSPage

# PageCategory

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
dateAdd Date!

Creation date

dateUpd Date!

Update date

name I18NString!

Resource name

description I18NString!

Resource description

descriptionShort I18NString!

Resource short description

linkRewrite I18NString!

Localized simplified URL

metaTitle I18NString!

SEO title

metaDescription I18NString!

SEO description

metaKeywords I18NString!

SEO keywords

position Int!

Position in the parent CMSCategory

depth Int!

Depth in the hierarchy

parent PageCategory

Pages of the category

pages PageCollection!

Pages of the category

page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

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# PageCategoryCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [PageCategory!]!

# PageCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [Page!]!

# Pagination

Field Argument Type Description
page Int!

Current page number

lastPage Int!

Last page number

total Int!

Total number of items in the collection

# PaymentGateway

Field Argument Type Description
name String!
pending [PaymentIntent!]!

Pending recurring payment intents of the user.

methods [PaymentMethod!]!

Registered payment methods

# PaymentIntent

Field Argument Type Description
identifier String!
metadata String!

# PaymentMethod

Field Argument Type Description
identifier String!
metadata String!

# PaymentUrl

Field Argument Type Description
type PaymentUrlType!
url String!

# Platform

Field Argument Type Description
countries CountryCollection!
page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

currencies CurrencyCollection!
page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

languages LanguageCollection!
page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

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settings [PlatformSetting!]!
include [String!]
support Support!
i18n I18N!
access PlatformAccess!

Client access infos

# PlatformAccess

Field Argument Type Description
country String

Country of the detected location of the user, null if detection was not possible.

purchase Boolean!

True if the client is allowed to purchase products.

# PlatformSetting

Field Argument Type Description
id ⚠️ ID



name String!

Name of configuration value

value Any

Configuration value

# Playlist

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
name String!
products ProductCollection!
page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

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# PlaylistCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [Playlist!]!

# Prepayment

Field Argument Type Description
balance [PrepaymentBalance!]
operations PrepaymentOperationCollection
page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

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# PrepaymentAccessMode

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
price Float
priceFormat String
priceNoDiscount Float
priceNoDiscountFormat String
priceWithoutTaxes Float
priceWithoutTaxesFormat String
discount Float
discountFormat String
prepaymentBonuses PrepaymentBonusCollection!
page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

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# PrepaymentBalance

Field Argument Type Description
type PrepaymentBalanceType!

Balance type

amount Float!

Balance amount

amountFormat String!

Balance amount

# PrepaymentBonus

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
dateAdd Date!

Creation date

dateUpd Date!

Update date

name String!
balanceType PrepaymentBalanceType!
amount Float!
amountFormat String!

# PrepaymentBonusCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [PrepaymentBonus!]!

# PrepaymentOperation

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
dateAdd Date!

Creation date

dateUpd Date!

Update date

balanceType PrepaymentBalanceType!
order Order!
amount Float
amountFormat String

# PrepaymentOperationCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [PrepaymentOperation!]!

# Product

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
dateAdd Date!

Creation date

dateUpd Date!

Update date

name I18NString!

Resource name

description I18NString!

Resource description

descriptionShort I18NString!

Resource short description

linkRewrite I18NString!

Localized simplified URL

metaTitle I18NString!

SEO title

metaDescription I18NString!

SEO description

metaKeywords I18NString!

SEO keywords

metadata [Metadata!]!

Custom key/value pairs

include [String!]
reference String!

Reference of the product

dateFrom Date

Start publication date

dateTo Date

End publication date

cover ⚠️ String!

Cover image URL


Use images field instead.

images [Image!]!

List of associated images

tags [Tag!]!

List of associated tags

bookmarked Boolean!
position Int

Set when the product is retrieved from a single category (i.e. cms.category.products), null otherwise.

type ProductExtensionType!
extension ProductExtension!

Extension of the product (TVOD, SVOD, Prepayment, etc.)

comments ProductCommentCollection!

List of associated comments

page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

# ProductAccess

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
dateAdd Date!

Creation date

dateExp Date

Expiration date

dateRenewal Date

Renewal date

recurring Boolean!
gateway String
type ProductAccessType!
order Order
product Product
accessMode AccessMode
SVODSwitch Boolean!
productAccessId Float!

Access ID To fetch

# ProductAccessCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [ProductAccess!]!
Field Argument Type Description
actor Actor!
roles [I18NString!]!

# ProductActorLinkCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [ProductActorLink!]!

# ProductBundle

Field Argument Type Description
accessModes [BundleAccessMode!]!
category Category

Default category of the product

categories CategoryCollection!

Categories this product is part of

page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

actors ProductActorLinkCollection!

Actors linked to this product

includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

page Int
perPage Int
includeRoles [String!]
directors ProductDirectorLinkCollection!

Directors linked to this product

includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

page Int
perPage Int
includeRoles [String!]
extracts ExtractCollection!

Video extracts linked to this product

page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

products ProductCollection!

Products in the bundle.

page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

recommendedProducts ProductCollection!

Other statically linked products that can be recommended.

page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

# ProductBuyOrder

Field Argument Type Description
accessMode AccessMode!
product Product!
gift GiftRecipient

# ProductBuyOrderCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [ProductBuyOrder!]!

# ProductCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [Product!]!

# ProductComment

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
active Boolean!
content String!
author String!
dateAdd Date!

Creation date

dateUpd Date!

Update date

product Product

# ProductCommentCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [ProductComment!]!
Field Argument Type Description
director Director!
roles [I18NString!]!

# ProductDirectorLinkCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [ProductDirectorLink!]!

# ProductPrepayment

Field Argument Type Description
accessModes [PrepaymentAccessMode!]!
balanceType PrepaymentBalanceType!

Balance type

amount Float!

# ProductSVOD

Field Argument Type Description
accessModes [SVODAccessMode!]!
autoRenewal Boolean!

True if this subscription has auto renewal enabled.

expiryNotificationPeriod Int

If set, period in days before the expiration during which the user will receive a notification.

accessPeriod Int

If set, defines the granted video access period in days. Otherwise, the subscription gives an infinite video access period.

convertsTo Product

If set, the subscription that this one converts to at the end of the first period.

trialPeriod Int!

If set, defines the trial period in days.

trialDiscountPercent Float!

The discount % for the trial period. 100 means a completly free trial.

categories CategoryCollection!

Categories this subscription gives access to.

page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

# ProductTVOD

Field Argument Type Description
accessModes [TVODAccessMode!]!
accesses ⚠️ ProductAccessCollection!

Current valid accesses owned by the user for this Product


Use ProductTVOD.user.accesses instead.

page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

category Category

Default category of the product

categories CategoryCollection!

Categories this product is part of

page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

actors ProductActorLinkCollection!

Actors linked to this product

includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

page Int
perPage Int
includeRoles [String!]
directors ProductDirectorLinkCollection!

Directors linked to this product

includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

page Int
perPage Int
includeRoles [String!]
extracts ExtractCollection!

Video extracts linked to this product

page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

videos VideoCollection!

Videos of this product

page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

videoGroups VideoGroupCollection!
page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

recommendedProducts ProductCollection!

Other statically linked products that can be recommended.

page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

user TVODUserInfos!

# SVODAccessMode

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
price Float
priceFormat String
priceNoDiscount Float
priceNoDiscountFormat String
priceWithoutTaxes Float
priceWithoutTaxesFormat String
discount Float
discountFormat String
prepaymentBonuses PrepaymentBonusCollection!
page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

# SendFreeGiftResponse

Field Argument Type Description
sent Boolean!

# Settings

Field Argument Type Description
logo Logo!
signup SignupSettings!
socialLinks SocialLinks!
analytics [AnalyticsSettings!]!

# SignupForm

Field Argument Type Description
fields [SignupFormField!]!

# SignupFormField

Field Argument Type Description
name String!
required Boolean!
displayed Boolean!

# SignupSettings

Field Argument Type Description
enabled Boolean!

True if signup is enabled.

form SignupForm!
Field Argument Type Description
facebook String
twitter String
youtube String
vimeo String
pinterest String
dailymotion String
tumblr String
myspace ⚠️ String


Not supported anymore.

instagram String
tiktok String
twitch String
linkedin String
soundcloud String
flickr String
discord String

# Subtitle

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
name String!

Subtitle name

lang String!

Language ISO

url String!

URL of the subtitles file

font String

Custom font

size Float

Custom size

color String

Custom text color

textShadow String

Custom text shadow color

background String

Custom text background color

opacity Float

Custom text opacity from 0 to 1

# Support

Field Argument Type Description
contacts [SupportContact!]!

# SupportContact

Field Argument Type Description
id Float!
email String!
name I18NString!
description I18NString!

# TVODAccessMode

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
price Float
priceFormat String
priceNoDiscount Float
priceNoDiscountFormat String
priceWithoutTaxes Float
priceWithoutTaxesFormat String
discount Float
discountFormat String
prepaymentBonuses PrepaymentBonusCollection!
page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

type TVODAccessModeType!
mode TVODAccessModeMode!
quality TVODAccessModeQuality!
onlyVideos [Video!]
duration Int

Access duration in days if set

playDuration Int

Access limit in days after the first play on a video

# TVODUserInfos

Field Argument Type Description
accessible Boolean!

True if the user can access at least one video of the product

accesses ProductAccessCollection!

Current valid accesses owned by the user for the product

page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

# Tag

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
value String!

Value of the tag

# TopMenuElement

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
position Float!
label I18NString!

Localized label

targetType WidgetTargetType!

Type of the target

targetBlank Boolean!

Open link in new browser tab or window.

unfold Boolean!
target WidgetTarget

Target object

# TopMenuElementCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [TopMenuElement!]!

# TopMenuWidget

Field Argument Type Description
elements TopMenuElementCollection!
page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

# UpdateCredentialsResponse

Field Argument Type Description
email Boolean

true if the email update was successful. null if nothing was changed or if the operation failed, see errors array in that case.

password Boolean

true if the password update was successful. null if nothing was changed or if the operation failed, see errors array in that case.

# User

Field Argument Type Description
accesses ProductAccessCollection!
page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

comments ProductCommentCollection!
page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

bookmarks ProductCollection!
page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

playlists PlaylistCollection!
page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
devices [Device!]!
profile UserProfile
watchHistory WatchHistoryCollection!
page Int
perPage Int
groups [UserGroup!]!

# UserGroup

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
dateAdd Date!

Creation date

dateUpd Date!

Update date

name I18NString!

# UserProfile

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
dateAdd Date!

Creation date

dateUpd Date!

Update date

gender Gender!
firstname String!
lastname String!
email String!
birthdate String
newsletter Boolean!

True if the user is subscribed to the newsletter.

partnerOffers Boolean!

True if the user is subscribed to the partner offers.

custom String!

Custom data associated with the user.

language Language!
address Address

# UserVideoStats

Field Argument Type Description
plays Int!

Number of times the user played the video

views Int!

Number of times the user watched more than half of the video in a single session

totalWatchedTime Int!

Total watch time of the user on this video (accross all watch sessions)

seek Float!

Last known position of the user in the video (in seconds)

# Video

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
dateAdd Date!

Creation date

dateUpd Date!

Update date

dateFrom Date
dateTo Date
position Int!
name I18NString!

Resource name

description I18NString!

Resource description

metadata [Metadata!]!

Custom key/value pairs

include [String!]
cover String!

Cover URL.

thumbnail String!

Thumbnail URL.

duration Float!

Approximate duration in minutes of the video.

language Language

Default language of the video. null if none.

filename String
mediaSource MediaSource
player VideoPlayer
forceReload Boolean

Force seekbar to the begining and ignore viewing resume

downloadUrl ⚠️ String


Use download instead.

download VideoDownload
advertisingUrl String
subtitles [Subtitle!]!

Subtitles of the video

bonus [VideoBonus!]!

Bonuses attached to the video

userStats UserVideoStats

Statistics of the authenticated user for this video.

videoGroupId ID
product Product
accessInfo VideoAccess
viewed Boolean

# VideoAccess

Field Argument Type Description
streaming Boolean!

True if the user is allowed to watch the video in streaming

download Boolean!

True if the user is allowed to download the video

maximumWatched Boolean!

True if the user has passed the watch limit (number of times the user is allowed to watch the video)

maximumViewing Boolean!

True if the user has passed the sessions limit (number of connected sessions)

qualityHD Boolean!

True if the user is allowed to watch the video in HD

qualitySD Boolean!

True if the user is allowed to watch the video in SD

expires Date

Access expiration date. Null if none.

statusCode ⚠️ Int

Access error code.


Use error instead.

error VideoAccessError

Contains information about what is preventing access to the video.

# VideoAccessError

Field Argument Type Description
code Int!
type VideoAccessErrorType!

# VideoBonus

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
url String!
name I18NString!
description I18NString!

# VideoCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [Video!]!

# VideoDownload

Field Argument Type Description
url String
manifest [String!]
sessionId String

# VideoGroup

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
dateAdd Date!

Creation date

dateUpd Date!

Update date

name I18NString!
description I18NString!
position Int!
videos VideoCollection!
page Int
perPage Int
includeIds [ID!]
sort [SortField!]
query String

Advanced query in the lucene language (opens new window)

# VideoGroupCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [VideoGroup!]!

# VideoPlayer

Field Argument Type Description
url String
manifest [String!]
sessionId String
captions String

# Voucher

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
name I18NString!

Resource name

code String!

Voucher code.

everyRecurringPayments Boolean!

Will the voucher be applied for every recurring payments.

reductionPercent Float!

Percent reduction

reductionAmount Float!

Flat reduction

reductionAmountFormat String!

# WatchHistoryCollection

Field Argument Type Description
pagination Pagination!
items [WatchHistoryItem!]!

# WatchHistoryItem

Field Argument Type Description
date Date!
seek Float!
video Video

# WidgetUrlTarget

Field Argument Type Description
url String!

# Inputs

# AddressInput

Field Type Description
countryISO String

Country ISO code. Defaults to the location of the user-agent based on the IP address.

state ID

Country State ID

city String
postcode String
address String
company String

# CreatePlaylistInput

Field Type Description
name String!

# DeletePlaylistInput

Field Type Description
id ID!

# DeviceInput

New user device data

Field Type Description
fingerprint String!
type String!
os String!
application String!

# FacebookSignInInput

Field Type Description
tokenType String!

Facebook tokenType

token String!

Facebook token

redirectUri String

# GiftRecipientInput

Field Type Description
email String
firstname String!
lastname String!
message String!
custom String
dateSend Date

Date at which the gift should be sent. If not set, the Gift will be sent immediatly once purchased.

# GoogleSignInInput

Field Type Description
token String!

Google token

# PaymentAuthorizationArgs

Field Type Description
paymentMethodIdentifier String

Token of the payment method to use

# SignInInput

Field Type Description
email String!

The user's email

password String!

The user's password

# SignUpInput

Field Type Description
firstname String!
lastname String!
email String!
password String!
gender Gender
birthdate String

YYYY-MM-DD format birthdate

newsletter Boolean

True if the user wants to subscribe to the newsletter.

partnerOffers Boolean

True if the user wants to subscribe to the partner offers.

langISO String

Prefered language of the user. Defaults to the content of Accept-Language header.

address AddressInput
custom String

User-defined custom data

# SortField

Field Type Description
field String!
order SortOrder
randomSeed Int

When using SortOrder.Random, you can provide the same randomSeed to maintain consistent results and enable pagination.

# SubCategoriesArgs

Field Type Description
minDepthOffset Int
maxDepthOffset Int

# SupportMessage

Field Type Description
contact ID!
email String

Can be ignored if the user is logged in

message String!
order ID
product ID
thread ID

Support thread id, can be found in the ict query parameter.

# TogglePlaylistProductInput

Field Type Description
playlist ID!
product ID!

# UpdateEmailInput

Field Type Description
value String!

New user email

validator UpdateEmailValidatorInput!

# UpdateEmailValidatorInput

Field Type Description
password String!

Current password

# UpdateGift

Field Type Description
email String
firstname String
lastname String
message String
custom String
dateSend Date

Date at which the gift should be sent. If not set, the Gift will be sent immediatly once purchased.

# UpdatePasswordInput

Field Type Description
value String!

New user email

validator UpdatePasswordValidatorInput!

# UpdatePasswordValidatorInput

Field Type Description
token String

Security token, received by email

password String

Current password

# UpdatePlaylistInput

Field Type Description
id ID!
name String

# UpdateUserInput

Field Type Description
firstname String
lastname String
gender Gender
birthdate String
newsletter Boolean
partnerOffers Boolean
langISO String
address AddressInput
custom String

# WatchSessionInput

Field Type Description
videoId ID!
duration Float!
date Date
seek Float

End position of the session in the video (in seconds).

# Enums

# CheckoutProcess

Value Description

# ExtractAccessErrorType

Value Description

# Gender

Value Description

# OrderStateType

Value Description

# PaymentUrlType

Value Description

# PrepaymentBalanceType

Value Description

# ProductAccessType

Value Description

# ProductExtensionType

Value Description

# SortOrder

Value Description

# TVODAccessModeMode

Value Description

# TVODAccessModeQuality

Value Description

# TVODAccessModeType

Value Description

# VideoAccessErrorType

Value Description

# WidgetTargetType

Value Description

# Scalars

# Any

Any scalar

# Boolean

The Boolean scalar type represents true or false.

# Date

ISO 8601 date

# Float

The Float scalar type represents signed double-precision fractional values as specified by IEEE 754 (opens new window).

# I18NString

Localized string

# ID

The ID scalar type represents a unique identifier, often used to refetch an object or as key for a cache. The ID type appears in a JSON response as a String; however, it is not intended to be human-readable. When expected as an input type, any string (such as "4") or integer (such as 4) input value will be accepted as an ID.

# Int

The Int scalar type represents non-fractional signed whole numeric values. Int can represent values between -(2^31) and 2^31 - 1.

# String

The String scalar type represents textual data, represented as UTF-8 character sequences. The String type is most often used by GraphQL to represent free-form human-readable text.

# Interfaces

# AccessMode

Field Argument Type Description
id ID!
price Float

Localized price value

priceFormat String

Localized price format

priceNoDiscount Float

Localized price value without any discount

priceNoDiscountFormat String

Localized price format without any discount

priceWithoutTaxes Float

Price without taxes

priceWithoutTaxesFormat String

Localized price without taxes

discount Float

Localized discount value.

discountFormat String

Localized discount format.

prepaymentBonuses PrepaymentBonusCollection!

Prepayment bonuses

# ProductExtension

Field Argument Type Description
accessModes [AccessMode!]!

# Unions

# CheckoutResponse

Type Description

# HomeRailTargetOrigin

Type Description

# WidgetTarget

Type Description